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Eating for People and Planet
An Oxford University study found that people with the lowest levels of vitamin B12 had the most brain shrinkage over time. Brain scans from breast-fed babies of vegan mothers also show brain atrophy. In these babies the brain atrophy can be reversed with vitamin B12 if it is picked up in time. But vitamin B12 is not present in any plant food. Although the Mediterranean and keto diets have gained popularity, these don’t prioritize the nutrient-rich foods essential for optimal health as does the Sapiens diet.
Many people have become resigned to the idea that heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s or another degenerative disease will kill them. This thought-provoking and topical book shows that these illnesses were not our fate in pre-history and they need not be our destiny in the future. It explains that we can prevent and reverse many chronic conditions, such as obesity, diabetes, and the leaky gut syndrome that leads to many autoimmune diseases, by eating the Sapiens diet, the food that drove human evolution. The Sapiens diet is a ketogenic diet similar to the carnivore diet, comprising meat, animal fat and offal.
Why Vegans Have Smaller Brains and How Cows Reverse Climate Change reveals why plant-based diets and official dietary guidelines are not only harming human health but are also harming the planet. The authors explain why following a pasture-reared meat diet is more ethical and humane than being vegetarian or vegan. Grass-fed livestock do not cause a net increase in atmospheric methane or carbon dioxide, rather the pasture and the animals that graze on it are part of the biogenic carbon cycle that simply recirculates existing carbon dioxide and methane, and sequesters carbon from the atmosphere into the soil. Regenerative livestock farming mitigates climate change, enriches soils and supports wildlife, all while providing nutritious food. The book argues that it is crop farming that is guilty of causing net greenhouse gas emissions, soil erosion, animal suffering and ecological disaster.
The flawed logic that we should replace meat with a plant-based diet means the environmental destruction associated with arable farming will escalate, along with the human and socio-economic costs of the diet-related diseases that plant foods cause. The authors firmly anchor the health benefits of the Sapiens diet with environmentally-friendly livestock farming.
This groundbreaking book comes at a time of health and environmental crises, when the public has never been more interested in these issues, yet equally never more confused. With qualifications in medicine, nutrition, geology and agriculture, the authors bring together a unique combination of expertise in health, diet, earth sciences and the impact of farming systems on the environment.
“People are fed by the food industry, which pays no attention to health, and are treated by the health industry, which pays no attention to food.”
― Wendell Berry
About the Authors
Anita Tagore is a medical doctor (University of Cambridge) with a
Master’s degree in Nutrition (Oxford Brookes University)
Alison Morgan is a farming and environment specialist with degrees in
Agriculture and Global Development (University of Reading)
David Ellis is a geophysicist with a degree in Natural Sciences (University of Cambridge).
why vegans have smaller brains

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