

Section one – History: personal, ancient, modern

1. How I arrived at the Sapiens diet
Personal story of one of the authors

2. The magic of meat
Humans didn’t evolve to eat meat. Humans evolved because they ate meat

3. Science fiction
A guide through the minefield of nutrition science

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Section 2 Monumental Folly

4. Monumental folly
The food pyramid

5. Cereal killers
Carbs are the ‘new smoking’

6. Fibre – a natural junk food
Fibre has no nutritional value

7. Vitamin C and the fruitless diet
Animal foods provide all the vitamins we need, including vitamin C

8. Free the radicals
Why we don’t need antioxidants or supplements on the Sapiens diet

9. Why vegans have smaller brains
The need to prioritize animal-sourced foods in the pyramid

10. Just stop vegetable oil
The pros and cons of animal fats and vegetable oils

11. The key-to-everything diet
The low-down on keto diets

12. Doubts about gout
Why we don’t need to worry about gout on the Sapiens diet

13. Mind the gap
The importance of a leaky gut

14. Meat and no veg
Why the Sapiens diet is the healthiest diet

15. Diets dissected
Summaries of the pros and cons of some popular diets

Section 3 How cows reverse climate change

16. Fens, moors and Mongolia
Regenerative farming

17. Nature in crisis
Farming and the environment – an introduction

18. Bullsh*t
Cows, crops, the climate, and creative accounting

19. The answer lies in the soil
How cows reverse climate change … and crops cause it

20. Wheat is murder
Death and destruction in plant agriculture

21. Embargo the avocado
Food imports, food waste, water footprints and circular economies

Ancestral solutions for modern problems